
885008 Datasheet, TriQuint Semiconductor

885008 filter equivalent, ism notch filter.

885008 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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885008 Datasheet

Features and benefits

Rejects 2.4 GHz WiFi/ ISM bands Low Loss in 2496-2690 MHz bands: WiMAX/LTE/TD-LTE/Bands 7 & 38 Low Loss in 2300-2370 MHz bands: WiMAX/WCS/WiBro/Band 40/Indian 4G band Ind.


WiFi/ ISM notch filter to enable coexistence between WiMAX/LTE/TD-LTE & WiFi/BT/ISM radios Applicable passbands: 2.6 GHz.


885008 is a high-performance Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) notch filter designed to reject emissions in the WiFi bands, while passing both the 2.3GHz & 2.6GHz WiMAX/LTE/TD-LTE bands. 885008 is specifically designed to enable coexistence of WiFi and 4G sig.

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